Bandelier Artist Residency ~ The Adventure

“Never lose your sense of wonder.” – Unknown.


Robyn at Bandelier National Monument 2006


In this section I will share my experiences and journey as I spend a month exploring this amazing National Park for inspiration and stretching my creativity!  Sharing this experience with the public throughout my Residency will be a key element as well.  I plan to create a “video-log” of this new and exciting adventure along with other artifacts of interest I create along the way like works in progress,  event highlights and such!

Residency Photo Gallery

(Images from the Artist Residency activities November 2022)

Residency Videos

(Weekly Summaries on Top

Others Posted Chronologically)

I am capturing videos of my Artist in Residence experience in various forms… Facebook Lives, Instagram Reels, and straight videos!  I am sharing them ALL here as a chronological “Video-Log” of my Residency…  Most link directly to my YouTube Channel but in some instances you see an image, these are the Reels that wouldn’t embed the same as the other files so just click on it in order to access the associated video.

Weekly Summaries

Videos Along the Journey…

Residency Blog Posts

(Most recent on top!)

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