Childlike Wonder II


I’m pleased to note that this piece “Childlike Wonder II” is available through the Jeni Benos Gallery located in The Greenbrier Art Colony Shops on Alabama Row at the Greenbrier Resort in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia.

You can contact Jeni Benos via email or phone at:

12″ x 12″ Acrylic Layers & Mixed Media Collage
On 1.5″ Cradled Birch Panel

Piece from the Pathways & Precipices ~ An Artist’s Return to Awe and Wonder Series inspired by experiences and transformations from Bandelier National Monument Artist Residency for month of November 2022.

Having the opportunity to spend this much time away from the routines and responsibilities of my normal life allowed me to engage in activities that refreshed my entire being. Following my curiosity to go here, to see that, to just be in each special place. I found myself giddy and delighted over and over as I set out each day to explore and take it all in. Thrilled like a child with awe and wonder for each new adventure, vista, discovery, and WOW GOD moment.

Taking “Shadow Selfies” became a “thing” during my varied explorations. My alter egos cheering me on… I decided to combine these shadow shapes with silhouettes of me from various adventures to capture highlight moments and victories during the residency. This collection of panels is done in bright and playful colors to capture the child-like delight of each adventure. The simple figures were playfully embellished with hand-stained collage papers, acrylic gel layers, and bright water-soluble crayons.


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