My last post was a review of 2013, this post will highlight my major goals for my artistic adventures in 2014.  The bar has been set high from last year and I’ve already laid an “enthusiastic” plan for 2014.  I have settled on 5 major focus areas:

1)  Make more wonderful art!

VA Artist Robyn Ryan Acrylic Layers Painting of Heron

“Heron II” 36″ x 24″ Acrylic Layers

~  Continue exploring my Acrylic Layers pieces and expand the subject matter
~  Sculpt and cast more bronzes
~  Develop variations on the plexiglas layers


2)  Online Presence “Discipline” and Expansion

~  Increase my blog activity
~  Increase my facebook fan page, Twitter, and Google +  activity
~  Setting up a Robyn Ryan Art Pinterest presence, I may check out Instagram too!


3)  Learn & Share

VA Artist Robyn Ryan Acrylic & Transfer "Bee Study I"

“Bee Study I” 6″ x 8″ Transfer, Acrylic Layers, and Ink

~  I’m scheduling several workshops at the Backdoor Gallery in Fredericksburg, VA

~  “Mini-Workshops” for both Water Media and Mixed Media on 7 Saturdays in 2014!  I’ll share a post soon with the details!
~  2-day sculpture workshop at the end of March
~  2-day Acrylic Layers workshop in Mid July

~  I’m also exploring options to hold a workshop for the VEAA and at Art First Gallery
~  I also plan to continue my participation in my favorite two independent study workshops in Taos and the mountains of VA to keep my creativity fresh!


4)  Expand Venues and Exhibits

Robyn Ryan and Acrylic Layer Paintings

Me with two of my five paintings in the NWA Exhibit

I have several venues lined up already and will continue to identify more!

~  Ongoing exhibits at Art First Gallery & with the North Windsor Artists at Libertytown Arts Workshop
~  January Exhibit “A Few of My Favorite Things” at the Griffin Bookshop in Fredericksburg, VA
~  February FCCA Regional Juried Art Exhibit, “In the Shadows”
~  Participating in the Virginia Equine Artists Association (VEAA) Exhibits at River District Arts and Montpelier Arts Center!
~  My June 2014 Art First Gallery Featured Artist Exhibit!
~  Jack Darling and North Windsor Artists Exhibit at the Fredericksburg Area Museum and Culture Center
~  Entering more Juried Exhibitions  such as Art at the Mill, Gallery Flux Art of the Equine, and FCCA Regional and National exhibits.


5) Taking Care of myself, Family, Friends, my collectors, and  fans!  Have to remember to “smell those roses” along the way!

I’ll keep you posted on my progress!  Here’s to an industrious and artistic 2014!

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