I am so pleased to have two of my “Equine Layers” paintings accepted into the Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts (FCCA) May 2013 “Lines & Edges” National Juried Exhibition by Juror Allison Long Hardy.
These paintings are three dimensional in that they are comprised of multiple layers of plexiglas painted with acrylics.
The layers are separated by spacers providing visual distance, and changing what is visible depending on the viewer’s position.
My “Equine Layers” pieces all vary scale and form of the horse, in most of these plexiglas pieces the variation is between line and shapes.
This is a variation of my current focus on “physical layers”. I am also working with layers of acrylic gel and paint to explore the effects I can achieve.
The painting above is titled “Equine Layers VIII” and consists of three 5″ x 5″ layers; the bottom being the mottled background, the middle being a linear jumping horse, and the third being the shape of a horse head.
The second painting is titled “Equine Layers X” and consists of two 7″ x 5″ layers; the bottom being painted on both sides (one the textured background the other the shape of the horses body), and the top the rust colored gestural line.
If you are in Fredericksburg, VA during the month of May 2013, stop by the FCCA and visit this wonderful show!